Yoshizawa-Randlett System
In origami, there are several origami bases on which we fold our models. The ones listed below are accepted as traditional origami bases. Let's dive into the details now:
THE BLINTZ BASE: You start with a square of paper. Make diagonal creases on the square by bringing the opposite points together. When the creases are made, unfold, and then bring the 4 corners together at the intersection of the diagonals, the center. Your Blintz base is now complete! The resulting square will have more points available for folding. Go on, practice!
THE KITE BASE: As the name implies, the base looks like a kite. Begin with a square of paper. Make a diagonal crease by bringing 2 opposite corners together. Unfold. Then position the paper such that the crease looks vertical. Now bring the 2 side edges to the crease, aligning the folds properly. Your Kite base is ready!
The FISH BASE: You start with a square of paper. You make a diagonal crease on the square, joining two opposite corners. From then, you make two rabbit ear folds, along the crease. That's it, the fish base is complete.
THE WATERBOMB BASE: This consists of two perpendicular valley folds down the diagonals of the square and two perpendicular mountain folds down the center of the square. This crease pattern is then compressed to form the waterbomb base, which is an isosceles-right triangle with four isosceles-right triangular flaps. The waterbomb base is an inside-out preliminary fold, or the square base.
THE SQUARE BASE: Otherwise known as the preliminary fold, this consists of two perpendicular diagonal mountain folds that bisect the corners of the square and two perpendicular valley folds that bisect the edges of the square. The paper is then collapsed to form a square shape with four isosceles-right triangular flaps. It is also called the Square Base.
THE BIRD BASE/ CRANE BASE: You fold the square base, then make petal folds on both sides, back and front, facing upwards. The Bird Base is complete! The traditional origami crane is folded using this base.


WATERBOMB BASE. This is the down view.



SQUARE BASE( Preliminary fold)